The Land We Live In, The Land We Left Behind
Dream of Kiwanosato
Art Assembly
1001 Village Nights
A Fair Land
Bend Rise Stand Go
Alternative Art School Fair
Potager Liberté
One Pot
House of Ferment
Potager Liberté
The association Potager Liberté, based in Les Lilas, designs experimental vegetable gardens based on the principles of agroecology and permaculture. Connecting inhabitants, gardeners, cultural actors, scientists, farmers, cooks and actors of the social and solidarity economy, The network offers an interdisciplinary program, managed by the inhabitants of Les Lilas. Their first vegetable garden takes place at Simone Veil Park (Bruyères aux Lilas residence).
A cooking working group, of which Francesca is part of, has been constituted with the local Star Hotel (solidarity hotel) to propose shared meals, a solidarity canteen and a mobile kitchen.
The challenge is to find solutions to offer healthy, ecologically responsible and delicious meals that are affordable. This difficult balance corresponds to a major dysfunction in the current agro-food system; raising awareness and thinking together about concrete solutions to improve people's diet is one of the objectives of this working group.

Year: 2018-2019
Place: Les Lilas, France