The Land We Live In, The Land We Left Behind
Dream of Kiwanosato
Art Assembly
1001 Village Nights
A Fair Land
Bend Rise Stand Go
Alternative Art School Fair
Potager Liberté
One Pot
House of Ferment
Bend Rise Stand Go is a series of art workshops organised and curated by Francesca as an alternative program at the high school Liceo Artistico Preziosissimo Sangue in Monza, Italy. This program introduces students to a number of contemporary issues and innovations in the arts including but not limited to eco-sustainability, social inclusion, and local development. During each two-day workshop, students explore a range of creative disciplines such as new media, design, graphics, visual arts, scenography, self-publishing, architecture with a transdisciplinary approach.
As a starting point, these workshops utilise story-telling and focus on process as a methodology to deemphasise the creation of a perfect final outcome.
The goal of these workshops is to empower students by equipping them with new ways of looking at and thinking about creative practices and promoting a vision of art that lives and grows in the world.

Year: 2017-2019
Place: Liceo Artistico Preziosissimo Sangue, Monza, Italy